British Historic Kart Club

Preserving Karting Heritage


Actively promote karting heritage.


Organise demonstration events showing historic karts at speed.


Organise exhibitions of historic karts at motorsport venues.


Encourage communication and discussion between members.


Relive the memorise of the 'Golden Age' of karting.

We Are Available 7 Days A Week

For easy quick response to queries use our Facebook Page with over 10,000 members!

Preserving Karting

to promote our karting heritage from the Golden Era of karting from 1959 to 1997.


to organise demonstration events showing historic karts actually being driven at speed.


to organise exhibitions of historic karts and memorabilia at karting and motorsports venues.


to encourage communication and discussion between members and the public.


Facebook Followers

Our Next Events:

Come to the NEC-Birmingham 21-23rd March
What to see?  –   

  • examples of members karts pre- restoration (‘barn find’).
  • Completed karts ready for showing and
  • even one being rebuilt over the duration of the show!

Book your tickets in advance before 27-2-25 using the code shown and save £3.50 per ticket!

BHKC members attend Italian events too!

Members regularly travel down to Jesolo circuit in Italy for the annual Coppa di Campioni event


World famous track raced on by Senna, Fullerton, Wilson etc.


3 whole days of non-competitive track time.


Coppa di Campioni concours event.


10 minutes walk from the town centre & hotels.


“The British Historic Kart Club is a great group of really friendly , helpful and above all knowledgable group of individuals When I came across an old kart for sale which I couldnt identify it was soon named, given the year of first manufacture and even the RAL code for the correct colour it should be finished in.”

Tom E

“Shenington Revival at the end of July is like the Crufts of historic karting. You have to be seen there !  Three days of on-track action along with concurs competitions and above all a geat place to socialise”

Denis D

“You couldnt find a more knowledgeable and likeable group of people”

Chris H


Joining the British Historic Kart Club couldn’t be easier.