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Commercially available petrol proof paints?

Posted: 20 Sep 2010, 09:25
by jerry thurston
I have to paint a tank in the near future.
Halfrauds gloss black lasts no time at all before it comes away due to the fuel.
Anybody know of any commercially available spray cans that resists fuel?

Last resort I can have a can mixed by my local factors but that's slightly more expensive.

Re: Commercially available petrol proof paints?

Posted: 20 Sep 2010, 10:31
by Peter B
Hi Jerry

Some time ago (in the last 12 months I think) Halfords did a petrol proof lacquer. I never tried it and I don't know if they still do it but it might be worth enquiring.

Re: Commercially available petrol proof paints?

Posted: 20 Sep 2010, 12:01
by Justin
yes, they still do it and yes it works :-)