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Commercially available parts, what's out there?

Posted: 31 Mar 2009, 10:06
by jerry thurston
It makes sense that Kart manufacturers raided the period catalogues for commercially available bits when they first built their machines.

Could we start to build up a list of what's still available today, if necessary with a cross reference.

For instance... Roller/taper Bearings and P-bronze bushes.

This is of course a sneaky way of getting a question in.

Is there an off the shelf replacement for the kingpin bushes for a Tecno Kaimano (1964 or 5)
Anybody replaced these from stock or is it a lathe and ream job?

Re: Commercially available parts, what's out there?

Posted: 31 Mar 2009, 15:31
by jerry thurston
Bronze or P-bronze top hat section around 2mm thickness of rim
22mm ID
I'm guessing 1mm wall thickness (from what I can see as haven't pushed them out as still using the kart)
so 24mm OD.

About 25 to 30 mm deep two in each upright one top pne bottom

Re: Commercially available parts, what's out there?

Posted: 31 Mar 2009, 20:39
by Steve Goodman

Re: Commercially available parts, what's out there?

Posted: 01 Apr 2009, 21:24
by Peter B
Hi Jerry

Does this mean you've managed to find a Tecno then? Very well done. As far as the kingpin bushes are concerned my brother Tony would be the best person to ask. I think he made the bushes on his Tecno from bar stock but I'm not 100% sure. He's on holiday at the minute but I'll contact him when he gets back at the end of next week.


Peter Brinkworth

Re: Commercially available parts, what's out there?

Posted: 02 Apr 2009, 19:50
by jerry thurston
I can partially answer my own query.

Bushes are available at the correct ID (22mm) and with a suitable top hat section. They are 30 mm long. It's just a case of turning the OD down from (I think) 24mm to a nice tap fit into the upright. That should be easy on a 20mm mandrel.
I think that the beautiful hollow king pins should re-claim with hard chrome plating and grinding.
I'll let you know how I get on

Re: Commercially available parts, what's out there?

Posted: 23 Apr 2009, 13:43
by jerry thurston
I eventually gave up trying to find commercial bushes, they are listed at 22mm ID with enough OD to turn down on a mandrel but the reality is that although the bearing companies said "No problem I'll call you back" the didn't!
I bought a 1/2 m length of 25mm OD P-Bronze cored to 19mm and made my own in the end. £28.75 for the material plus 4 of 5 hours lathe work.
So although the theory is good and the parts exist, in practice the companies don't seem to want small fry business.